Lehigh Carbon Community College

SKU #欧姆- 350
Download the Free 能源管 Lesson Ideas PDF
描述安全演示开合串联电路,无触电危险! When the tube is “turned on”, 红色的, 绿色, and blue lights light up and it makes an eerie fluttering tone. 激活管子是有趣的部分-只需用双手触摸金属末端. 你的身体形成导电材料,在两个金属带之间架起桥梁,闭合电路! 7″ x 1.5″.

Microscale Vacuum Apparatus
Download the Free Microscale Vacuum Lesson Ideas PDF
描述学生们现在可以在他们的实验室里安全地在一个小钟罩里制造真空. By reducing the pressure in the microscale bell jar, they can expand a balloon, 煮水, and even transfer liquids from one pipet to another. 他们可以看到棉花糖或剃须膏的体积随着压力的减少而增加,并了解极低的压力如何影响他们周围的世界. Instead of passively observing a demonstration, 学生可以主动地进行实验,亲眼观察实验结果.
更高级的高中和大学水平的学生可以学习波义耳和拉乌尔定律,最终理解蒸汽压之间的关系, 温度, 沸点. 包括完整的说明和指南是一套额外的教育创新理念,以挑战你和你的学生.
套件包括8个.5 cm (3.5″)钟罩, 基板, 真空泵注射器, 吸盘, 气球, 滴管, 指令, and Ron Perkins’ Thirteen Open-Ended Challenges.

SKU号:请- 105
Download the Free 全球等离子体 Lesson Ideas PDF
描述: A fun and safe way to demonstrate Tesla Coils! 地球内部, 一个小的特斯拉线圈产生一个交流的高压电位,吸引或排斥自由电子. 当电子与地球内部的气体原子和分子碰撞时, the gas particles are ionized creating even more electrons, as well as positive ions. 等离子体形成. When electrons return to the ionized gas, light is produced. 用手指触摸地球仪提供了一个接地,一个额外的电子源或“吸收”. You can also observe Super! 哇! 整洁的!通过在等离子体球附近移动荧光管或霓虹灯来达到®效果. 的y will light up in your hands! Runs on standard North American line current, 110 volts 60 Hz. 8 in. dia. 全球.

描述: Click a metal disk and watch the liquid crystallize. Younger students can safely feel the heat of a physical change. 高年级学生可以测定水合乙酸钠的熔合热(fp = 54) oC). Great for calorimetry experiments! Bending the metal disk initiates the crystallization of super-cooled sodium acetate and 水; boiling in 水 returns the solid to a liquid. Can be used over and over. Instructions and lesson ideas provided! 10 x 10 cm (4″ x 4″)

Experiment: Molar Heat of Crystallization for the Heat Solution™

讨论: 热解决方案™商用暖手器含有一种水合固体称为醋酸钠三水合, 票3首席运营官•3 h2O. When this plastic package is put into boiling 水, the solid inside dissolves in its own 水 of hydration. As the solution cools down, excess solid sodium acetate remains dissolved, forming a supersaturated solution. 弯曲包装内的小金属盘会引起足够的扰动,以启动多余固体的结晶. 当过饱和溶液再次分离成溶质和溶剂时,热量被释放出来.

摘要目的: 用商用热包测定醋酸钠结晶时的摩尔热, 水, a coffee-cup calorimeter, and a 温度 probe.

使用方法: 在实验室团队中, 设计一个实验方法来回答上述目标中提出的研究“问题”. 制定完整的材料清单,详细的程序和适当的数据表. 当满足以下标准时,您的教练将批准这些:安全, 简单, and materials availability. Carry out the procedure, 分析数据, evaluate the efficacy of the method, 并重新设计, if necessary to improve the method.

注意: 热溶液中使用的空塑料袋和金属盘的平均质量
pouch has been measured and is 5.42克. 的 literature value for the heat of reaction is -19.7焦每摩尔. Calculate your percent error.

1)你假设暖手器的测量质量是纯过饱和醋酸钠. Is this assumption valid? Explain why or why not.
2)   Using your answer to Question 1, 你的实验反应热应该大于还是小于文献值? Justify your answer.
3)在手暖被搅动之前,有一些三水合乙酸钠晶体存在, how would this change the calculated heat of reaction? 解释你的答案.
4)当学生测量温度时,如果温度探头一直与暖手器的塑料盖接触,实验结果会发生怎样的变化. 解释你的答案.

Download the Free Putt-Putt Steam Boat Lesson Ideas PDF
描述: Originally called “Putt Putt Steam Boats” in the 1920s, these reproduction toys can be used to teach many scientific principles. Using a small flame from a candle or a few drops of cooking oil, the 10 cm (4″) long boats will chug along for hours. 它很好地说明了热能向机械能的转化. More advanced students can be given the problem of explaining how it works. Fascinating to watch in a circular pan of 水. 颜色可能会有所不同.

Download the Free Insta-Snow Lesson Ideas PDF
描述:加水到这种白色颗粒状粉末中,观察它瞬间膨胀到原来体积的40倍. 的 result is a fluffy artificial snow that feels as cool as it looks! Our snow won’t “melt” but it can be dehydrated and re-used. 非常适合教授吸热和放热反应或作为聚合物实验室的一部分. 这对所有年龄和能力的学生和教育工作者来说都是一个很好的兴趣展示. Check out our blog link for an easy-to-follow polymer lab lesson.

LEGO Simple Machines Kit
模式# 9686
Download Free Simple Machines Lesson Plans
Download Free Building Instructions for Simple Machines
描述: This kit is suggested for students age 8+, 并附有详细的建筑说明,供学生结对工作.  乐高教育提供的课程理念帮助学生探索机械优势背后的科学原理,这些原理可以通过在日常生活中使用简单的机器来获得.

Pittsco Bridge Building Kit – Basswood.
SKU: W46135
描述用椴木制作模型桥是让学生参与技术的好方法, 科学, and engineering principles. This Getting Started package includes materials for 25 students, 测试设备, and curriculum to get your classroom into bridge building. 免费访问 皮茨科桥书 for bridge building 指令, a short history of bridges, 建设的想法, and more is available for download as a digital copy 在这里. Looking for standards-based activities to accompany these materials? 的 Model Bridges Teacher’s Guide is available for print 在这里, or you can download a digital copy for free 在这里. 的 游标的材料 & 结构测试 可以用来量化各种桥梁设计的强度并确定弱点吗.

SKU: W46135
Download the Free Rocket Science Lessons
描述建造和发射汽水瓶火箭可以让学生在设计和装饰火箭时发挥他们的创造力. 它还可以使我们更好地理解作用在抛射物上的力, and may help demonstrate applications of Newton’s Laws of Motion.  Materials to construct the bottle rockets are readily available, 这可能是让学生对科学产生兴趣的最佳投资之一. 的 launch day activities are also just plain fun!  注意: 这些火箭必须在户外的一个大的开放区域发射,并且需要随时获得大量的水.

工具:# 009427
Download the Model Rocket Safety Code PDF
Download the Free Unit and Lesson Plans
描述火箭挑战入门套装旨在将您带入竞争火箭的冒险. 在这些竞赛中取得成功的第一步是学习如何建造, finish and launch a model rocket! 火箭挑战入门套装配有12枚埃斯蒂斯阿尔法火箭, 12台B6-4发动机, 2 LifeTime Launch Systems, and a pile of stickers to make each rocket unique.  注意: 这些火箭必须在无风的日子里在室外的大空地上发射.  的y may reach an altitude of 1000 feet!

K’Nex Roller Coasters
工具:# 77078
Download the Free Building Instructions and Experiments PDF
描述: Explore STEM concepts while building a motorized Roller Coaster! Learn about the relationships between time, distance and speed with this engaging roller coaster building set. Students will have fun while learning about the 科学, 技术, 与现实生活中的游乐园骑行相关的工程和数学概念! Build one working roller coaster, plus two additional models. Includes three experiments, one for each model. 这套设备包括超过545个部件,一个电池驱动的马达和三个实验装置.